Authorized representative Service

Experience tailored solutions, innovative strategies, and dedicated support for all your environmental needs in Czech republic and Slovakia

*Only takes 1 minute

authorized representative
Why choose

Our Authorized Representative service is a full-stack solution for companies selling physical products in Europe. Our years of experience and close connection with authorities, will ensure a smooth and precise reporting. 

How does it work?

Only 3 steps are necessary to work with us. Discover how to make sure your regulations are updated. 

contact us

Get in touch with us via our “registration page”. Tell us more about your business and we will provide you with a custom solution for your business or your client/s.


Based on the information you provide us with, we will propose what your business needs to comply with specific regulations and wuthorities within the country of your choice.


Nothing else is necessary to do on your end. We will handle the rest and make sure to get in touch with you before the end of another quarter to fill out the form again. 

About us

Welcome to bin2green, your authorized representative partner in forging a more sustainable future for Central Europe, with a particular emphasis on the Czech Republic and Slovakia. 

At bin2green, we focus on sustainability regulations, specifically focusing on packaging waste management, battery disposal, and electronic waste recycling. We use advanced processes and AI to make the reporting part as efficient as possible and lower down your costs. That’s why our pricing is lower than others, due to finding a smart way to maximize the processes while keeping a high security standards. 

Tell us in which European countries you are planning on selling and we will help you through the whole process, so you don’t have to. 

Client testimonials

bin2green's registration process left a strong impression on me with its user-friendly nature. In a matter of a few clicks, everything was ready to go. The following task of submitting the quantity via their online form was remarkably smooth and effortless. What's even better, I opted for their custom offer, as I deal exclusively with electronic lamps crafted from concrete.
I'm delighted to express my satisfaction with bin2green's services. Their simple system effortlessly managed compliance complexities, while my dedicated account manager provided crucial personalised guidance. A true solution for saving time on regulations and cost-cutting.
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I want to share my experience with bin2green's services, specifically highlighting the exceptional support I received from their team. During the process, I had the privilege of working with Joe via online teams. His expertise and guidance were invaluable in navigating the complexities and making the most of bin2green's offerings. Having a knowledgeable partner like Joe by my side made all the difference.
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Most frequent questions and answers

An Authorized Representative acts as a liaison for companies outside Europe, handling legal and compliance duties within the European market, ensuring adherence to local regulations.

Businesses need an Authorized Representative to comply with European regulations, facilitating market access while ensuring legal and procedural compliance.

Services typically include registration, compliance checks, documentation handling, and ongoing liaison with European authorities to maintain compliance.

Our service is distinguished by personalized support, in-depth local knowledge, and a network of contacts that streamline compliance processes.

We also take advantage of the AI, to make our internal processes faster and more efficient. That’s why we are considered as the leading EPR compliance solution provider in Europe. 

For more details, reach out to our dedicated customer service team via this page.

Get your authorized representative

Get in touch with us! One of our experts will answer any of your questions and help you through the process.

Blog posts

Learn more about things that matter! In our blog section, you will find a variety of topics within ecosystem. Is there any specific topic you would like us to write about? Let us know. 

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