Most frequent questions and answers


  • If so, you should know that you are subject to so-called manufacturer’s liability before they are first placed on the market. This liability means that you are responsible for your goods even after the end of their useful life.
  • Simply put, selling the battery doesn’t stop there for you. It is your legal duty to register, report and ensure their collection, recycling, or further use of batteries.
  • The liability applies both to batteries sold separately and to batteries included or integrated in electronic equipment, industrial applications, car batteries and batteries intended for energy storage or the propulsion of means of transport.

Certainly, bin2green facilitates the collection of all types of batteries. If you have any inquiries or require assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at XXX.

To ensure a swift and accurate response, we recommend having the following information readily available:

  • Details on the groups, types, and brands of batteries that you are currently or plan to introduce to the market.
  • The anticipated annual quantity or weight of batteries to be placed on the market.
  • Information about the types of electrical equipment or transportation vehicles that incorporate batteries (particularly those integrated into or attached to electrical equipment).

By providing us with this essential information, we can better assist you in navigating your Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) obligations and ensure a seamless experience with bin2green.

Finding the necessary information about the batteries you are selling is crucial for fulfilling your Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) obligations effectively. Here’s a simple guide on how to gather this information:

  • Supplier Information: Contact your battery suppliers or manufacturers. They should be able to provide you with detailed specifications about the batteries, including their chemistry, capacity, and any hazardous materials they may contain.
  • Product Documentation: Check the product documentation that comes with the batteries you receive from your suppliers. This often includes important information about the batteries, such as technical data sheets and safety data sheets.
  • Product Labels: Examine the labels on the batteries themselves. Labels typically contain information about the battery type, voltage, capacity, and manufacturer. This information is crucial for proper classification.
  • Manufacturer Websites: Many battery manufacturers maintain websites with detailed product information. You can often find specifications, safety information, and data sheets online.
  • Testing and Analysis: In some cases, you may need to perform testing or analysis on the batteries to determine their characteristics. This is especially important for custom or specialized batteries.

Remember that accurate and comprehensive information is vital for fulfilling your EPR obligations. If you have any doubts or require assistance in gathering this information, our team at bin2green is here to help. Please feel free to reach out, and we’ll guide you through the process.


  • Limit the volume of heavy metals and hazardous substances in packaging.
  • Minimize the volume and weight of the package while complying with the requirements placed on the packaged product.
  • Submit technical documentation proving the fulfillment of the obligations set out in § 3 and 4 to the control authorities and inform your customers with proof.
  • Ensure take-back and utilization of packaging waste to the extent specified in Annex No. 3 of the Packaging Act.
  • Submit a proposal for registration in the List of persons who bear the obligation to take back and use packaging waste.
  • Keep records of packaging placed on the market or in circulation.

The remuneration for the given period (calendar quarter), invoiced to the client, is calculated on the basis of the quantity of packaging indicated in the packaging production statement for this period and on the basis of the applicable fee structure.

The deadline for sending the packaging production report is within 30 days after the end of the quarter. An invoice is issued based on the statement. If the packaging production statement is not sent or the invoiced fee is not paid, this may be grounds for withdrawal from the contract.

Yes, everyone who puts packaging or packaged products on the market or into circulation is required to keep this record. Violation of this obligation may result in a fine of up to CZK 1,000,000 (40.000€)

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